A room in a sunny place 585 * Hinachima
5th November 2017
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2017/11/041720.php
Good morning. *
Yesterday was the individual handshake event in Kyoto. Everyone that came to meet me, thank you very much~ (*^▽^*)
今回は1部からおデコ出しヘア*乃木坂に入って6年、握手会で前髪アップは初めてかも!!笑 それくらい珍しい髪型だったよ。
This time, I had my hair exposing my forehead from round 1.*This might be the first time I had my bangs up on a handshake event since I entered Nogizaka 6 years ago!! lol It was a unusual hairstyle.
以前ね、みさみさに「前髪あげてみたら?^^」って言ってもらったことがあって… それからずっと、いつか挑戦してみようって思ってたの♪
Earlier, Misamisa said to me “why don’t you put up your bangs? ^^”… Ever since, I wanted to try it some day. ♪
Because it was praised by everyone, I was very happy. ♡

↑昨日の写真(*≧∀≦*) 左上から時計回りに…
Photos from yesterday (*≧∀≦*) Starting in the top left and going clockwise…
The 1st round, I had my bangs up and curly hair.
The 2nd round, I had braided hair.
The 3rd round, I had a French braid.
The 4th round, I had twintails and wore a beret.
The 5th round, I had curly hair again. ♪
I will occasionally put my bangs up.*
ふぁみりーさんと沢山お話しできて、幸せな時間でした(*^ω^*) みなさん本当に、ありがとうございました!
I could also talk a lot with my fans, it was a happy time. (*^ω^*) Everyone, thank you truly!
Thanks for the flowers as well!

And also… thanks for the letters on the side panels and desks of all members’ lanes!! (;ω;)
Very soon! The live shows in Tokyo Dome! I wonder what the view will be like… exciting … I am looking forward to it.
In the comments and on the handshake event, there are many people saying “I am going to the live show!” Let’s enjoy it together. ♡
でも「外れちゃったよ」という方も… 皆さん全員に観てもらいたいけど…いつも遠くからもエールを送ってくださる沢山の想いを胸に…
But there are also people that say “I am at the very end”… I want everyone to see all members but… also the yells send from far away always make me feel lots of emotions…
I will give my all.
And, as always please call me “Hinachii” during the live shows. m(._.)m
今回のドームライブグッズの中に含まれている、『N46MODE vol.0 乃木坂46 東京ドーム公演記念 公式SPECIAL BOOK』ですが、握手会などで、もう見たよ~!読んだよ~!っと教えて下さるふぁみりーさんも沢山いらっしゃいました♪
Included in the merchandise of these Dome live shows is the “N46MODE vol.0 Nogizaka46 Tokyo Dome Performance Memorial Official SPECIAL BOOK”, but there were a lot of fans at the handshake event that told me “I’ve already seen it!” or “I’ve read it!” ♪
My hair and makeup are a bit different than usual, a flashy makeup and hairdo…

中々できないのでとても楽しい撮影でした☆ 衣装も可愛くて… 嬉しくて、いっぱい写真撮っちゃったよ♡笑
It wasn’t easy, so it was a very enjoyable photoshoot. ☆ The clothing was cute as well… with joy, I had a lot of pictures taken. ♡ lol

I am participating in a health and beauty care movie project. ♪
Also… in the book, members were selected, and I was chosen first in the “I’d like you to be my girlfriend ranking”. (;ω;)♡
嬉しいよ~~~(;ω;) こんな嬉しいことあるのか~~~(;ω;) 最近の出来事で、1番嬉しかったことです。
I am happy~~~ (;ω;) Was I ever this happy?~~~ (;ω;) From all recent events, this had made me the most happy.
Besides that, there is a lot of various content, so it became a very enjoyable first volume!! By all means ♪ please purchase it. ♪
Lastly an announcement! Today!!! “Nogi no No” with Sayunyan as MC! I have the pleasure of appearing together with Momoko. ♡

If you have time, by all means listen to it. (#^.^#)♡
[List of Birthdays]
I hope that this will be a wonderful year for you.*
I wish you all a happy day today. (#^.^#)