A room in a sunny place 587

" Wow! It looked like it was snowing outside… it felt as if winter had arrived once again. I hope no one caught a cold. My health is poor since the Under Live shows ended… but I finally recovered completely! It took long… from now, I will be more careful about my physical condition. "

A room in a sunny place 587 * Hinachima

19th November 2017
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2017/11/041879.php


Thank you for today. *


Today was the Seven Eleven event in Sendai!


Everyone that came in the cold, thank you very much.*

なんと!外は雪も降っていたようで… 本格的に冬がやってきたのだなと改めて感じました。

Wow! It looked like it was snowing outside… it felt as if winter had arrived once again.

みなさん風邪ひかないようにね。ひなはアンダーライブ後から体調を崩していて…やっと最近!完全に復活しました!長かったぁ… これからより一層、体調管理に気をつけます(_ _).。o○

I hope no one caught a cold. My health is poor since the Under Live shows ended… but I finally recovered completely! It took long… from now, I will be more careful about my physical condition. (_ _).。o○


In Osaka I was in charge of the entrance, but this time I worked the cash register with Manatsu. ☆

いつもライブや握手会に来て下さる方から、今回初めて乃木坂のイベントに参加してくださった方で仙台が地元だよ!って方まで… 少しの時間でしたが、沢山の方とお話できて楽しかったです(*^ω^*)

People that always come to live shows and handshake events, and Sendai locals that came to a Nogizaka event for the first time this time… It was a short time, but I enjoyed being able to talk to a lot of people. (*^ω^*)


Meanwhile, I ate Seven Eleven’s “mentai mochi cheese bun”, and it was very delicious!!! I recommend it. ♡

そしてそして… 先日のベストヒット歌謡祭!

And also… a couple of days ago there was the Best Hit Song Festival!

インフルエンサーを披露しました♪ 格好良くて、歌もダンスも衣装も大好き。

We performed Influencer. ♪ It looked good, and I love the song, the dance and the outfits.


I was happy to perform this song, that has an emotional value. (*≧∀≦*)


With Misamisa ♡


With Macchun ♡


That day, the performance was in Osaka, and because we had a lot of free time, the staff got us lots of 551’s Butaman* and takoyaki!
[* 551 Horai is a famous bun store, and Butaman is a steamed pork bun.  – Ed.]


I fully enjoyed Osaka. ♡

2017年もあと一ヶ月半… お仕事を目一杯楽しみながら、ラストスパート!頑張ります!笑

Just one and a half month left in 2017… the last spurt while enjoying jobs with all I’ve got! I’ll do my best! (lol)


  • 11月30日発売「BUBKA」かりんと2人です。
  • 12月9日発売「BOMB」みなみとゆったんと3人です。
  • 2018年3月公演 ミュージカル【恋するヴァンパイア】

To everyone (*^▽^*)

  • 30th November release “BUBKA” together with Karin.
  • 9th December release “BOMB” together with Minami and Yuttan.
  • March 2018 public performance of the musical “Koisuru Vampire”.
    There will be an advance ticket lottery. I quoted this from the official Nogizaka46 homepage ↓

[I didn’t translate all the time tables, please see this page for all the details: http://www.nogizaka46.com/news/2017/11/post-12595.php – Ed.]


Please check it. m(._.)m

[List of Birthdays]



I hope that this will be a wonderful year for you. *


I wish you all a happy day tomorrow…(o^^o)

