A room in a sunny place 600 * Hinachima
2nd March 2018
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2018/03/043454.php *
[* Hinachima accidentally wrote 560 in the title. – Ed.]
Hello! It’s been a while since I blogged. It is already March. Time goes by fast…
The stage performance is also coming near, and I am impatient and anxious, but I am enjoying every day as I am working hard during practice. I want to spend each day with great care!
まずは…ブルボン フェットチーネグミCM☆
First… the Bourbon Fettuccine Gummi CM. ☆

1回、2回、3回と… 続けて呼んで頂けてとっても嬉しい!なぁちゃんとまなつはブドウさん。ひなと蘭世はレトロな衣装を着たよ♡
1st, 2nd and 3rd time… I am really happy they continue to request me! Naachan and Manatsu are grapes. Ranze and I are wore retro clothing. ♡
On one of my previous blogs*, I wrote about being told “your hairstyle looks like princess Leia’s!”, and that was about this recording! (lol)
[ *This was blog 596. – Ed.]

毎回、違った面白さ、可愛さがあって、CM撮影楽しいですし、完成をテレビで実際にみると感動します。幸せです(#^.^#) ありがとうございます!
Because every time is amusing and cute in it’s own way and shooting the CM is fun, when I see the completed version on TV I am deeply moved.
Also, on 17th February was an individual handshake event for the Under album, and on 25th February was an individual handshake event for the 19th single.
Because I had practice the day before and after, and currently being in the stage play period, I am having a different kind of handshake event than usual.

It’s a system where there is a menu on the desk from which you can choose.
少しでも皆さんに楽しんで頂けていたら、嬉しいなぁ♡ 他にも何か案があったら、教えて下さい!笑
I am happy if everyone enjoys it even a little. ♡ If you have any additional ideas, please let me know! (lol)
For the individual handshake event, I wore a checkered wide pants and a black turtle-neck sweater!

1st round I had straight hair.
2nd round I had slightly curly hair.
3rd round I wore a beret.
4th round I had twintails.
5th round I had ponytails.
I talked a lot about the CM, being 20 years old, the stage play, etc. ♪
The next handshake event is on the 17th of March! I am looking forward to it!
Yesterday and today I had a job together with Misa and Yoda-chan. ☆

楽しかったよ~美味しかったよ~!う~んっ!早くお話したい!笑 素敵な場所に行ってきました☆
I enjoyed it ~ and it was delicious~! Ngg! I want to talk about it soon! (lol) We went to a lovely place. ☆
To my fans ☆
– 3月23日~3月25日まで行われる、乃木坂 46時間テレビ!舞台の大阪公演と丸かぶりして、まだどうなるかは分かりませんが、少しでも参加できますように時間を捻出できたらと思います( ^ω^ )
– From 23rd March until 25th March, Nogizaka 46-hour television will take place! I don’t know what will happen yet because of the stage play in Osaka around that time, but I hope to have some spare time so I can join, if even for a little. ( ^ω^ )
– そしてそして!20thシングルの個別握手会、発表されましたね!首を長~くして待っていますので、ぜひお越し下さい♡
– And also! The individual handshake events for the 30th single have been announced! I am eagerly looking forward to it, so please make sure to come! ♡
– 毎週日曜18:00~文化放送「乃木坂46の『の』」
– Every week on sunday starting at 18:00 ~ Nippon Cultural Broadcasting “Nogizaka no ‘no’”
Thank you in advance
[* She congratulated me! Thank you Hinachima! – Ed.]
[More Birthdays]
素敵な一年になります様に …。*゚’゚・.。.:*
I hope it will be a wonderful year for you …。*゚’゚・.。.:*
(お誕生日はお誕生日の2週間前くらいにコメントしていただけると有難いです。) お友達やご家族のお誕生日もお祝いしたいのですが、大変になってしまうので、コメントをしてくださっているご本人のみにさせてくださいねっ。ごめんねm(_ _)m そしてコメントを拾えずブログに載せられなかった皆さん、お誕生日おめでとうございます。
(Thank you for mentioning your Birthday around 2 weeks prior.) I want to congratulate your friends and family as well, but that has become difficult, so please mention it only for yourself. I’m sorry. m(_ _)m Also, to everyone who’s comments I haven’t been able to pick up, congratulations on your Birthday.
I wish you all a happy day tomorrow. ♡