Original: https://realsound.jp/tech/2018/09/post-245412.html
The friendship with Ito Riria and Yamashita Mizuki because of the Nogizaka edition of “Sailor Moon”.
The members of Nogizaka46 do a daily live broadcast of the “Nogiobi” show on the broadcasting service “SHOWROOM”, every week from Monday to Friday. On the broadcast of 3rd September, Higuchi Hina made her appearance.
まずは、毎回恒例となっている宿題のコーナーから。前回の配信を担当した和田まあやが樋口に課した宿題は「ワニの絵を30秒でかいてね」というものだった。この宿題に対して樋口は「まあやらしい! フフフ」と笑いつつ、意気込んでワニの絵を作成開始。スケッチブックにペンを走らせながら「あ! 良いんじゃない!? 上手に描けた!」と自信満々な様子だったものの、「こちらです! じゃーん!」とカメラに向けた絵は、到底、ワニには見えない仕上がり。視聴者からは「犬?」というコメントが相次いだ。
First, there was the customary homework corner. The homework that Wada Maaya imposed on Higuchi during the broadcast the previous day was “draw an alligator in 30 seconds”. Higuchi replied “That’s typical Maaya! Hihihi” on her assignment, and started drawing an alligator with enthusiasm. While scribbling with her pen in the sketchbook, she said “Ah! Looks good! I can draw it well!” full of confidence, continued by a “That’s it! Tadaa!”, after which she turns the drawing toward the camera to show the results, which in no way resembled an alligator. The results were comments such as “is it a dog?” from the viewers.
After that, she talked about the Nogizaka46 edition of the musical “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” performances that will start on the 21st of September. This musical consists of two teams, “Team Moon” and “Team Star” with 10 selected members from Nogizaka46, who take Sailor Moon to the stage with a double cast.
Higuchi, who plays Sailor Venus, belongs to “Team Moon” together with Takayama Kazumi, Noujou Ami, Ito Riria and Yamashita Mizuki. After introducing this team, that only consists of 1st and 3rd gen members, she explained “the first time, I was anxious if I could do it. Our relation is good, but I didn’t know that much about them…, but during practice, we really became good friends. Everyone called Muziku “Mizuki”, and we called Riria “Ririi”, I love them very much!”, revealing how fast she became close with her kouhai.
さらに視聴者からの「ミュージカルの稽古で苦労したことは?」という質問に対して樋口は「メンバーとかスタッフさんとかお姉ちゃんとか、色んな人に『ビーナスはどんなイメージ?』っていうのを聞いて回りました」と告白。「自分だけが考える役じゃなくて、たくさんの人から愛されてる作品だからこそ、客観的な意見を集めて、役に活かしています」と言い「苦労っていうのじゃないな、楽しかったです! その作業が」と答えていた。
After that, viewers asked “What were the hardships of the musical practice?” and Higuchi confessed that “Many people, members, the staff, my older sister, asked me how I would portray Venus. It’s a role that not only I think about, and because it is a production that many people care about, I wanted to collect objective opinions and portray the role in the best way. It wouldn’t call that a hardship though, it was enjoyable!”
After that she was asked “what is your favorite line”, to which she replied “‘Because everyone was there, I could make it this far’, a line said by Venus but when I say this line, my chest tightens… and I’m about to cry. Because this line also applies to my regular Nogizaka activities, it is my favorite”.
On the end of the program, she decided on the homework assignment for Umezawa Minami, the member planned to appear on Wednesday. Higuchi wrote “lottery” in the sketch book, and let the viewers think about 5 end points, “throwing kiss”, “zukkyun”, “wink”, “beam” and “puffy face”. To challenge the lottery, she made the instruction to do one of them. Just before the end, she reached 30.000 viewers. Because of that, she rejoiced “Yes! 30.000 viewers!” and finished with a “Bye byee!”.