A conversation about Nishino Nanase, a close friend’s graduation.
― 同期の西野七瀬さんが卒業されますね。
– Nishino Nanase, a member of the same generation as you, is graduating.
Since the formation, whenever someone asked me “who is your oshimen in Nogizaka46” during interviews etc., I immediately replied “Naachan!”. And she seemed to have said “I love you” about me as well when I wasn’t around. Since then, I think we have mutually loved each other (laughs).
– Did she discuss it with you beforehand?
No, not in particular. However, when you are always together, somehow you know that “for that, it is almost time for you”… But when I actually heard it, I was still shocked because somewhere in my heart I thought “it is still alright”. Within a year, it’s too soon! A Nogizaka46 without Naachan is hard to imagine, not only for me but for the other members and the fans as well.
– Because she is a pillar of Nogizaka46, who gently leads the other members, right?
Exactly. I am a 1st generation member, but I finally entered Senbatsu for the 8th single. It made me work together with Naachan often, which made me very happy. But I wonder if I could have spent a little more time with her if I worked even harder. Sometimes I have vexing thoughts about how we might have shared more different things together… But this doesn’t end things! From now on, we can go out for a meal together privately. She is my oshimen, but I am really glad we are from the same generation (laughs). Since her graduation, I have more opportunities to go out and eat with Ikoma-chan than before, and it has become a goal of mine to one day share a stage with Wakatsuki outside of Nogizaka46, something I really look forward to.
– Next year seems to be a year of transition.
Yes. Because the 4th generation entered, I think the group’s feel will change little by little. Other members might graduate as well. However, the Nogizaka46 that has been built up by the 1st gen until now, we as 1st generation members will accept the changes, but I think it must be succeeded with care. For me, I hope things like the moments of comfort when all the members are together are handed down, I love that gentle Nogizaka46 atmosphere. I hope that atmosphere will be treated carefully forever.
Source: Weekly Flash 12-18-2018 no. 1495