I finally realized that it’s okay to be more normal

" I realized once more that when things get tough, it’s the right time to grow."

Interview with Higuchi Hina.

Original article from Brody August 2021 issue. Please support the group and the magazine.


I wondered if there is still something to accomplish after meeting various people and receiving all kinds of advice for 10 years.


A sudden impact


樋口 乃木坂46に入る前に歌舞伎もやっていたので、物心ついたときからわりと芸能界しか頭にんくて。だから、なんだかんだ舞台に立って演技することは好きだったと思います。学芸会でも、結構出番の多い役を選んでいましたし(笑)。

– Miss Higuchi, you have done many stage plays until now, but were you originally interested in doing acting jobs?

Higuchi Because I was already doing kabuki before I entered Nogizaka46, I was interested in the entertainment industry for as long as I can remember. Therefore, for some reason I knew I would love being on stage and acting. Even at the school festivals, I picked the roles with lots of stage time (laughs).



樋口 第1回(12年9月)のときは、たぶんファンの方もメンバーのことをあんまり知らなかったし、特殊な形式だったからこそ当時は注目を浴びている子のほうが選ばれやすかったりして。なかなか2幕に出られない子は「どう頑張ったらいいんだろう?」ってつらい思いがあったと思うんです。でも2回(13年5~6月)と続けて、ファンの方がちゃんと演技を見て選んでくれていることが伝わってきて、それからはやりがいを感じられて、楽しくなってきました。

– But your first theater play was a special event called “Principal” wasn’t it? Did you enjoy experiencing that for 3 consecutive years?

Higuchi During the first time (September 2012), the fans might not have known the members all too well, and because of the special format, it was easier for the girls who were gaining attention at that time to be picked. I believe that the girls that didn’t make it to the second act had a hard time thinking about how to persevere. But during the second time (May~June 2013), it became clear that the fans were choosing by looking at the acting properly, and since then it became more rewarding and fun.


― そこから「もっと舞台をやってみたい」という気持ちになれましたか?

樋口 はい。外仕事の舞台は『帝一の國』(14年4~5月)が最初だったんですけど、そこから具体的に「もっと舞台で挑戦できるかも」という自信が付き始めたんです。乃木坂46の中の舞台も大事だけど、外の舞台は観に来てくださるお客さんも乃木坂46ファンの方だけじゃないので、個人として乃木坂46の名前を背負って出ることの大きさや影響もすごく感じましたし。最初のターニングポイントは『帝一の國』だったけど、外仕事が増えてからがもうひとつのターニングポイントだったなと思います。

– Is that when you realized you wanted to do more stage plays?

Higuchi Yes. My first outside stage job was “Teiichi no Kuni” (April~May 2014), and since then, I started to gain the confidence that I might be able to try more stage work. In Nogizaka46, stage plays are very important too, but there are other people than just Nogizaka fans coming to see the play when it’s an outside job which made me personally really feel the magnitude and influence of carrying the name of Nogizaka46.The first turning point was “Teiichi no Kuni”, but another one was the increase of outside jobs.


― 思えば『帝一の國』って、結構早い段階での外舞台でしたよね。しかも、3年連続で上演されましたし。

樋口 本当にあの経験があってよかったなと思います。そこから『ドラえもん(のび太とアニマル惑星)』(17年3~4月)だったりと、少しずつつながっていったので、すごくありがたかった。しかも、『帝一の國』はほかの役者さんが全員男性だったので、そこもまだ子どもだった自分には「どうやってコミュニケーションを取ったらいいんだろう?」という苦労もありましたし。だから、年齢問わず学ばせてもらって、舞台を重ねるにつれて人と話すのも好きになりました。

– When you think about it, “Teiichi no Kuni” was an outside job in a very early stage wasn’t it? It was also going on for 3 years in a row. 

Higuchi I am really grateful for that experience. After that, other plays such as “Doraemon (Nobita to Animaru Wakusei)” (March~April 2017) kept coming little by little, for which I am really thankful too. Besides that, all the other actors in “Teiichi no Kuni” were men, and since I was still a young girl, I was struggling with how to communicate with them. It made me learn things from all ages, and as the stage plays continued, I came to love talking with other people.


― 演技に関してはいかがですか?そとでいろんな役者さんの演技を目の当たりにして、刺激もたくさん受けているだろうし、自分にないものをどんどん見つけられたと思うんですが。

樋口 最初の『帝一の國』はコメディチックだったんですが、食わず嫌いじゃないですけど「私にはできない」と思い込んでいました。当時はもっと真面目人間だったから(笑)、遊びを効かせることがなかなか難しくて。でも、コメディができる俳優さんのすごさを目の当たりして、「もっと楽しんでいいんだ!」と思えるようになったんです。それこそ乃木坂46のメンバーと一緒だった『乃木坂46版ミュージカル「美少女戦士セーラームーン」』(18年6月、9月)とか『じょしらく(弐 ~時かけそば~)』(16年5月)だと、私は当時のチームの中では舞台経験が多かったので、演技の面でみんながやりやすいように引っ張っていかなきゃいけなかったんですけど、外に出ると自分はまだまだ未熟な立場になるので、逆に皆さんに引っ張っていってもらって。そのバランスが取れることも自分的には良い経験だったし、何より外で学んだことをグループに持ち帰ることができて乃木坂46の役に立てていることも実感できたのは本当に嬉しかったです。

– And the acting? Seeing various actors’ performances must inspire you a lot, but also show you things you’re not able to do yet?

Higuchi “Teiichi no Kuni” was a comedy play, but even though I didn’t have anything against that, I was convinced I wasn’t able to pull it off. At that time, I was a more serious person (laughs), so it was quite difficult to make it work.However, when I saw how amazing the actors doing comedy were, I began to think it was okay to enjoy it more. Also, when I did “Nogizaka46 edition musical ‘Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon’” (June and September 2018) and “Joshiraku Ni ~Toki Kakesoba~”(May 2016) together with other Nogizaka46 members, I had a lot of stage experience among the team at that time, so I had to guide them in order for everyone to make acting easier, while it was the contrary on outside work, I was the one that hadn’t much experience and I would ask others to guide me. Attaining this balance was also a great experience for me, but above all I was really happy to be able to bring back the things I learned on outside jobs to the group and to truly realize it was useful for Nogizaka46.


― そうやっていくつものターニングポイントを経てきた樋口さんですが、最近は舞台を通して「これは大きな出来事だったな」と思うようなことはありましたか?

樋口 そろこそ去年の春、コロナの影響で中止になった『タクフェス』(『「仏の顔も笑うまで」タクフェス春のコメディ祭!』)という舞台かな。稽古自体はやっていたんですけど、その『タクフェス』で出会った演出の宅間(孝行)さんも、私の演技経験の中に稲妻が走るような衝撃を与えてくださいました。その時点ですでに、自分の中でもある程度自信というか、演技を楽しむ余裕ができていたんですけど、宅間さんの稽古場に行ったときに、すごく厳しい演技指導で、私のシーンだけど稽古が終わってしまったことがあったんです。というのも今まで舞台に立つとき、知らず知らずのうちに自分の声色を変えていたというか……これまで正統派ヘロイン役が多かったので、綺麗な愛い声を無意識のうちに作っていた部分を宅間さんに指摘されたんですね。今までそう言われたことがなかったから、「もっと普通でいいんだ」と自分でもやっと気づけて。2・5次元のときはキャラに寄せるけど、宅間さんの求めるナチュラルな芝居のときは普段話しているテンションのままでいい。あのまま指摘されずにいたら、きっと役の幅が狭まっていただろうなと感じました。

– You have experienced many turning points like that, but was there also a big happening while being on stage more recently?

Higuchi I guess that was in spring last year during the “‘Hotoke no Kao mo Warau Made’ Takufes Spring Comedy Festival!” stage play, which was suspended because of corona. I was rehearsing myself, but Mr. Takuma (Takayuki), the director I met during that time, also gave my acting experience a sudden boost. At that point, I was already quite confident and I could enjoy acting, but the guidance in Mr. Takuma’s rehearsal place was very strict and it even happened that the rehearsal was already over even though it was only for my scene. Until that time, when I was standing on the stage, I was changing my voice without realizing it…… I did many orthodox heroine roles until then and Mr. Takuma pointed out whenever I made this beautiful love voice without me noticing it. I’ve never been told that before, so I finally realized that it’s okay to be more normal. When you are doing an anime musical, it’s closer to the character, but since Mr. Takuma wants a more natural form of playing, it was okay to keep my normal energy. If that hadn’t been pointed out to me, I feel my range of roles would have certainly been narrower.


― 指摘された状況はかなりキツそうでしたが、それをこのタイミングに理解できたのは本当によかったですね。

樋口 すごく感謝しています。『タクフェス』の稽古を経ての「フラガール(-dance for smile-)」(21年4月)だったので、そこでは自分が普通話すときと同じ声を出せて、もっと演技をやりやすくなりました。「フラガール」を観たお客さんも「なんか変わった気がする」と言ってくれたし、メンバーからも「話すときの声、落ち着いたよね」と言われるようになったし。番組でも電話に出るときみたいに、自然と小声が高くなっていたんですけど、最近は本当に素のまま。音楽と同じテンションで臨めるから、すべてが楽になりました。

– The situation you described seemed to be quite difficult, but it must have been really nice to be able to understand it at that time.

Higuchi I am really grateful for that. I was in “Hula Girl (-dance for smile-)” (April 2021) after the “Takufes” rehearsals, and I was able to do the same voice as my normal speaking voice which made acting much easier. The audience that came to see “Hula Girl” also told me that something had changed about me, and also the members began saying that my talking voice had calmed. Even on television programs, I had a high whisper as if I was answering the phone, but lately it’s really unchanged. Because I could deal with it with the same energy as music, everything became easier.



樋口 はい!今本当に楽しくって、マネージャーさんやメンバーにも「最近、いつも楽しそうだよね?」とよく言われます(笑)。いろんな人に出会って、いろんな助言をいただいて、10年目にしてまた新にステップアップできたのかなと、やっと、思えるようになりました。

– Is that also why you look so happy these days?

Higuchi Yes! I am really happy at the moment, even the manager and other members often tell me I seem always happy lately (laughs). I finally started wondering if there is still something to accomplish after meeting various people and receiving all kinds of advice for 10 years.



樋口 昨年からコロナで大変な状況になってしまったけど、つらいときこそ成長するタイミングなんだなと、改めて実感しました。

– That’s great isn’t it!

Higuchi Since last year, the situation has been very dire due to corona, but I realized once more that when things get tough, it’s the right time to grow.



Pride as the lead role


樋口 ありがとうございます。本当にこのタイミングに、しかも『フラガール』という作品をコロナの中でできたということは、本当にいろんな巡り合わせが重なった結果なんだろうなと思いますし、この作品で座長をやれたことでまたひとつ自信につながりましたね。

– Even though you went through various things, after ten years you had your first main role in “Hula Girl”, which I think is really breathtaking. I think that what you have been accumulating up to that point has come to fruition here.

Higuchi Thank you. Especially because of the timing, to be able to do “Hula Girl” during the pandemic is really the result of various encounters I believe, and being the lead in this production gave me more confidence.



樋口 まず、台本は絶対稽古場では持たないことがひとつ。座長がブレブレで、稽古一発目から「この人大丈夫かな?」と思わせちゃったらダメだと思うので、稽古場1日目から台本は持たないってやったほうが、周りの皆さんも台本を外すタイミングが早くなるだろうし。なので、セリフが体に染み付いているぐらい、完璧に覚えてから稽古場に入ったんです。あとは、カンパニーの皆さんとまんべんなく仲良くなること。自分から話しかけるようにもしたし、有森(也実)さんのような先輩には頼るところは頼って、大先輩だからとあんまり距離を遠くしすぎず、でも近すぎてもいけないとその塩梅も気にしながら、みんなと緊張せずに話せる空間を心掛けました。

– Up until now you have witnessed various lead roles, but what was the feeling you had this time? 

Higuchi First of all, we never had a script in the rehearsal room. As the lead role, I don’t think it’s good to waver and make people question your ability right from the first rehearsal, so by not bringing a script to the first rehearsal day, the people around me will be able to abandon their scripts earlier as well. Doing so, the lines were more ingrained into my being and I entered the rehearsal room remembering them perfectly. Another thing is getting along well with everyone in the company. I talked to the others myself, and I rely on my senpai like Miss Arimori (Narimi), but because they are senpai, I didn’t want to stay too distant or become too close, and I tried to create a space in which I could talk to everyone without being nervous. 



樋口 そうかあ、確かに、13歳で乃木坂46に入った時は、「やっぱり18歳ぐらいで入ったほうがよかったのかな?」と考えてしまうタイミングが結構あったんです。まだ不安定な年頃だから、なかなか難しかったんですよん。でも、今になって思うと「10年やってもまだ23歳だから、13歳で入ったのもすごくよかったな」と。

– If you think about it, you are only 23 years old. Generally speaking, it’s really amazing that someone in their 1st or 2nd year of work after graduating from university is able to accomplish this much.

Higuchi I see, well there were certainly a few times when I entered Nogizaka46 at the age of 13, that it might be better to enter when I would be 18 years old. It’s still an unstable age, so things are quite difficult. But now, I am glad I entered when I was 13 years old because after 10 years I am only 23.



樋口 そう思えるようになってのは、本当にここ最近のことなんですよ。実はここ1,2年「この先どうしよう?」と考えることが多かったんですけど、『タクフェス』を経て、ドラマ『教場Ⅱ」(フジテレビ系、21年1月放送)、『フラガール』と続いて、10年目にして本当に毎日が楽しくて。この楽しさを味わう前に卒業を決めないでよかった、と最近しみじみ感じています。みんなそれぞれ卒業のタイミングはあるから仕方ないけど、「私のタイミングはあのときじゃなかったんだ」と思えているし、私の場合は長く続けていたほうが楽しむ余裕だったり、いろんなことを経験できるなと思ったので。なので、最近は辛抱強く、長く続けようと心がけています。

– I certainly agree.

Higuchi It’s only recently that I’ve come to think that way. Actually, I often wondered what to do in the future the past few years, but after “Takufes” came the drama “Kyojo II” (Fuji TV, aired January 2021) and “Hula Girl”, and I enjoyed every day in my 10th year. Enjoying all this, I recently realized I am so glad I didn’t decide to graduate. Everyone has their own timing to graduate and there’s nothing to be done about that, but I think my time to graduate is not now, and I would rather continue for a long time so I can enjoy things and I can experience various things. That’s why I’ve been patient these days, and trying to keep going for a long time.



樋口 しかも乃木坂46全体で見たときに、できる役の幅が広がるなというのもあって。若い子たちはもっとフレッシュな役もできますし、上のほうの役は自分が頑張ってみたりと、乃木坂46の中でも厚みが出せるかなというのはすごく感じています。なので、最近は映画もよりたくさん観るようになったし、今意欲が高まっているタイミングだからこぞいろいろ吸収したいと思っているんです。

– You have been doing activities for Nogizaka46 for a long time, and you are able to teach your kouhai about your various experiences. I think it’s encouraging for the group, even if you are the only one to remain to be such a presence.   

Higuchi And yet, when looking at Nogizaka46 as a whole, the possible roles within the group don’t expand. While the young girls have a more fresh role, I try my best to have a more elderly role because I feel I can bring more depth to Nogizaka46. Therefore, I have been watching more movies recently, and I want to take in various things now that my motivation is rising.



樋口 それが今は大きいので、いっぱい経験して、もっともっと自信が付いてからこのグループを出ようかなと。それまでは、もっと自分に実力を付けていきたいと思います。

– There are many things you can do after graduating, but there are also many things you can do while you are in Nogizaka46, aren’t there?

Higuchi There are many things at the moment, so I think I would leave this group after gaining lots of experience and confidence. Until then, I want to improve myself more.


― 思えば生田絵梨花さんを筆頭に、樋口さんや卒業した井上小百合さん、若月佑美さんなど初期メンバーが舞台で活躍することで、「乃木坂46=舞台」という印象を強めていったと思うんです。今年の8月で結成10周年を迎えますが、まさか10年前はこんなグループになるとは思ってもみませんでしたよね。

樋口 本当にそうですよね。秋元(康)先生やスタッフさんがどこまで思い描いていたかはわからないですけど、メンバー自身もこんなに演技に関わる子たちがたくさん生まれるとは思わなかっただろうし。でも、やっぱりそれは『プリンシパル』で基礎を身に付けたところからもう始まっていたんでしょうね。そう考えると、本当にすごいグループになりましたね(笑)。たぶん何かひとつお仕事が来たら、それをできる子が必ずひとりはいるという。お芝居にしてもいろんなジャンルに挑戦できるメンバーがたくさんいるので、本当に強いグループだと思います。

– When you think about it, Miss Ikuta Erika, you, and graduated members like Miss Inoue Sayuri and Wakatsuki Yumi are all active on stage, and the impression that “Nogizaka46 = stage plays” grows stronger I believe. Even though the 10th anniversary of the formation will be in August of this year, I never thought that it would become a group like that 10 years ago.

Higuchi Indeed. I don’t know how Akimoto (Yasushi) sensei and the staff members have envisioned it, but we ourselves didn’t expect to have so many of the girls involved in acting. However, it all started with “Principal” where I have learned the basics. When I think about it, it has really become an amazing group, hasn’t it (laughs)? When a job arrives, there’s always a girl who can do it. Because we have lots of girls who can do a variety of acting genres, I think this is truly a strong group.