A room in a sunny place 598

" She is always caring… she is always saying words of encouragement… she never fails to come and see a stage performance… times when I love you so much I want to embrace you. When I feel down, or when I felt uneasy, Ikomachan’s words helped me a lot."

A room in a sunny place 598 * Hinachima

31st January 2018
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2018/01/043118.php


Good evening. * Thank you for today!


First, Ikomachan….

いつも気にかけてくれて… 嬉しい言葉をかけてくれて… 出演舞台も必ず観に来てくれて… 時にはぎゅ~ってしたくなるくらい愛しくて。私が落ち込んでいる時、先が不安になった時、生駒ちゃんの言葉で沢山救われてきました。

She is always caring… she is always saying words of encouragement… she never fails to come and see a stage performance… times when I love you so much I want to embrace you. When I feel down, or when I felt uneasy, Ikomachan’s words helped me a lot.

何気ない一言かもしれないけれど… 自分がわからなくなった時、嫌になった時、生駒ちゃんに’‘自信’’というものをいっぱいもらいました(;_;)

It may sound like a casual word, but… at times when I didn’t understand myself, and at times when I feel fed up, Ikomachan gave me a lot of “confidence”. (;_;)


She is truly a valuable “older sister”. A friend. I will love her… forever… I will always respect Ikochan’s feelings.


During the remaining activities, I want to make lots of memories.


Ikochan… I am counting on you. ♡

今日は1月31日!樋口日奈、20歳の誕生日を迎えました~!\\٩( ‘ω’ )و ////

Today is the 31st of January! It is my 20th Birthday! \\٩( ‘ω’ )و ////
Everyone that commented on my previous blog after midnight, everyone that commented on 755, and everyone that congratulated me during the handshake event, thank you very much. ☆


↑Yesterday, after the first round of the handshake event, there was a celebration!

始めの曲「My rule」がかかった時、会場のみなさんの声援が温かくて…感動しました。思わず、「わぁ!すごい!動画撮りたいです(><)!!」って周りのスタッフさんに叫んじゃったの。笑 それくらい、胸が高鳴りました。

In the beginning, when the song “My rule” started, the cheering of everyone in the hall was warm… I was moved. Spontaneously I shouted “Waa! Amazing! I want to record it (><)!!” to the staff around me. (lol) My heart was beating fast.


Ami read a letter to me. The direct words of Ami made me somewhat happy. Let’s both work hard on the stage, okay? ♡

写真は桃子が撮ってくれた!笑 ありがとう♡

The pictures were taken by Momoko! (lol) Thanks. ♡


Also, I received a present and a letter from Tamami in the dressing room! I was happy. (*´꒳`*) It’s a treasure.


All members from the Birthday committee that were continuously preparing, thank you for throwing a truly fantastic party.


And everyone that wrote me a card with a message, thank you very much. I am about to read them with care. ♡

お花もたくさん!!!嬉しいです。感謝の気持ちが溢れてきて… 言葉だけじゃ伝えきれなくて… 胸がぎゅ~ってなっています。

Lots of flowers!!! I am happy. I am overflowing with gratitude… I just can’t find the words… it tightens my chest.


Thank you for all the love and happiness.


When my Birthday came close, I celebrated a lot on job locations as well this month!

「趣味どきっ!」のスタジオでも、ケーキを頂いたよ♡ 今夜NHK Eテレ21:30~の回が最終回です。

Even in the studio of “Syumi doki!”, I received a cake. ♡ Tonight on NHK Educational TV at 21:30 is the last time.


On the last recording day, a picture with everyone was taken!

きじまさん、いつも優しくて楽しくお料理を教えて下さいました♪ だしソムリエの鵜飼さん、初めてお会いした時から気さくにお話しして下さって、嬉しかったです。友利先生、すごくあたたかくて優しくて… 素敵でした。私も友利先生のような女性になりたいです(*´꒳`*)大久保さん、とっても優しくて、私も佳代子姉さんのように周りに気遣いのできる人になりたい!

Kijimasan always taught me about cooking with kindness and pleasure. ♪ Since I met dashi sommelier Ukaisan, we had friendly talks for which I am glad. Tomori-sensei is very warm and kind… she is fantastic. I also want to become a woman like Tomori-sensei. (*´꒳`*) Okubosan is very kind, and I also want to become a person able to be thoughtful of my surroundings like her!


I am happy I was able to meet these fantastic people. I’ll work hard in order to work together again.

あっという間だったなあ… 楽しかったし、とても勉強になりました。「言葉で味を伝える」ことをもっと探求していきたい(o^^o)!

Time sure flew by… It was pleasant and I learned a lot. I want to pursue “conveying the taste with words” more (o^^o) !

Because I also bought the “Syumi doki! Gohoubi Soup” recipe book, I will continue to work on my cooking. ♪


Please be sure to watch the last show tonight at 21:30!


Recently, I am preparing for the musical “Koisuru ♡ Vampire” and to learn just even a little, I am watching vampire themed movies and dramas. (o^^o)


I also watched “The Twilight Saga” earlier many times, but I want to see it again! I love it very much! I am rewatching it from the 1st episode. ♪


Also, I rapidly got into “The Vampire Diaries”! It’s interesting!


By watching various things, and to be able to absorb myself in it, I want to put more and more effort in it. *(^o^)/*


At the age of 20, I want to become a fine woman that can contribute a lot to Nogizaka46.


In order to raise my individual skills and to become a huge strength for Nogizaka, so the group will once again be able to grow… I will continue to devote myself!


Everyone, please continue to support me!

[List of Birthdays]
☆【My Birthday】☆


↑ I congratuled myself. (*≧∀≦*) (lol)

[That was too cute ♡. -Ed.]



I hope that this will be a wonderful year for you.☆☆☆


I wish you all a happy day tomorrow. (o^^o)

